An avenue in which interrelationship exists among economic regions is through trade. In order\nto encourage and promote exchanges across national boundaries, measures are put in place for\neconomic resources to be productively and successfully utilized. These measures that entail\nprerequisites� producers may be inquired to meet which relates to a wide range of sustainability\nmetrics, respect for basic human rights, worker health and safety, the environmental impacts of\nproduction, community relations, land use planning and others. The impact of these measures\non producers which led to social and environmental issues in global market is what this study\ntends to focus on. More so, the effect of these measures on commercial relations amongst\neconomies is what makes this study considered as a topic of interest. Comparative analysis will\nbe used to examine and highlight the impact of these measures on international business.\nEncroachment of social rights and environmental degradation are profoundly established in\npresent day industrial revolutions. However, large-scale industrialization, besides its\nunquestionable benefits, triggered a systematic assault against human dignity and\nenvironmental health. The ensuing expansion of world trade further worsened the\nconsequences. More so, environmental and social issues may manifest in diverse ways, thereby\naffecting operations in worldwide market and also limiting the number of participants in global\nmarket.